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How to Hide Apps and Game on Play Store

Are you tired of protecting your child from game addiction or phone addiction? App developers make money from creating engaging apps. But on the contrary, those same applications cause phone addiction in our children. If there is a problem, there is also a solution. The Play Store has these parental control settings. By using these settings, you can hide any specific app or range of apps and prevent your kids from using them.

How to hide apps from Play Store

If you hide apps from the Play Store, your child cannot install them and therefore cannot use them. This is an easy method to hide apps from the Play Store.

Follow these steps to hide apps from the Play Store.

- Open your Play Store app.

- Search for the app you want to hide from the Play Store

- Check its rating on Play Store.

- Return to the Play Store home page.

- Tap on your account icon available on the top right corner of the screen

- Tap 'Settings' on the list > Select 'Family'.

- Tap on the ‘Parental Control’ > Turn it on (It will ask you to create a Pin)

- Set the Pin > Re-enter the Pin

- Once done, now tap on ‘Apps and Games’

- It will ask you to choose among different rating ranges (Rated for 3+, Rated for 12+, Rated for 16+, Rated for 18+ or allow all, including unrated)

- Choose a lesser rating than the rating of the application you wish to hide.

- Save the rating range chosen, and it’s done.

Now when you search the application on Play Store, it won’t appear among the results.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below the video above. We will support as soon as possible.

- Copyright: Nguyen Tuan Anh
- Join the group: Hỏi Đáp Công Nghệ
- Facebook: Nguyen Tuan Anh
- Contact email: nguyentuananh1004@gmail.com.

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Admin (9/08/2023)
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